
Athens Municipal Library is the perfect place for readers of all ages to find their next great read. With a wide range of books, magazines, and other reading materials, you can explore new worlds, gain new perspectives, and escape from everyday life. Whether you are looking for your next favorite novel or you want to improve your skills with educational materials, Athens Library has something for everyone.

In addition to these resources, the library also subscribes to local papers such as the State Journal Register and Menard County Review, as well as Consumer Reports Magazine, offering access to current local news and trusted product reviews. With such a diverse collection of reading materials, Athens Library is the perfect place to stay informed and entertained.

The library also offers access to eBooks and eAudiobooks through two apps: Cloud Library and Libby. You can easily download these apps to your personal device and use your library card to borrow titles and listen to audiobooks anywhere, anytime. With a large selection of popular titles and easy-to-use interface, these apps are a convenient way for you to enjoy your favorite reads.